Fionn O Lochlainn
Oct 26, 20221 min
Seafarers Series
A series of informal presentations regarding the gradual, covert actualisation of globalist hegemonic order, despite our sovereign status...
Fionn O Lochlainn
Aug 28, 20212 min
USA Military Latently Defeated By Medical Procedure
Short speaking presentation (duration3m) - 28/8/21 The centralized eugenical biometric system is being rolled out. I would speculate that...
Aug 26, 20213 min
Gradulaism: State Weaponization of Sodium Fluoride
Short speaking presentation (duration8m15s) 26/8/21 Since the Harvard and Lancet reports on the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride,...
Aug 25, 20211 min
Human Relationship and Community As Our Line of Defense
Fionn O Lochlainn - Streams of Consciousness Speaking Presentation (duration1h16m) 25/8/21
Fionn O Lochlainn
Aug 19, 20213 min
Parents Must Boycott State Collectivization Centers NOW!
Speaking presentation (duration34m13s) 19/8/21 I heard an ‘activist’ say “we must re-open the schools”. I ask why, when they are bound to...
Fionn O Lochlainn
Aug 16, 20213 min
Cymatic Connotation of Nano-Technology Within Physiology
Speaking presentation (duration7m50s) - 16/8/21 Alpha brain state resonant frequency in cymatic representation Cymatics is a way to...
Fionn O Lochlainn
Aug 15, 20211 min
USA's Domestic Enmity in Plain Sight
Under no circumstance should the citizenry of USA yield to such anti-constitutional assertion or #QuasiState demand to hand in firearms:...
Fionn O Lochlainn
Aug 1, 20211 min
The Organization of Systemic Transformation
Streams of Consciousness – August 1st 2021 (duration48m)
Fionn O Lochlainn
Jun 24, 20212 min
Foreign Allegiance in Regalia?
After HRH Queen Elizebeth II alienated constitutional patriots, as well as more than a half of her populous by disparaging those refusing...
Fionn O Lochlainn
Jun 5, 20210 min
Beware the Ingenuous Justifications of Latent Suicide
Speaking presentation (duration8m19s) - 5/6/21
Fionn O Lochlainn
Mar 19, 20212 min
The Malignant Necromancy of Mainstream Media
The National Anti-Vaccination League fought and won in the late 1800's and around the turn of the twentieth century. Interestingly, we...
Feb 16, 20211 min
Fauci's Continuation of Jesuit Himmler's Herecidal Vocation
Hitler's herecidal henchman Himmler, was #IHS (#jesuitorder) just as #JesuitFauci is...