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Sorry Folks, due to extortion from a sinister tech corporation, some materials on this site are temporarily suspended: many are still functioning, such as the community message board.

We are working to resolve this issue: until that resolution, please see recent relating materials at:

or join us at Telegram:

– thanks

Canada Uprising


Recording 7/12/22 - Published 15/12/22

Fionn O Lochlainn Streams of Consciousness speaking presentation

This channel is coming soon!
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_ Wings of the Same Bird BLAST!.jpg
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britishness-516=15fps-Animated UKGLObal.
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Myopic Transgressors of Murderous Proportion

Updated 8/9/21

Surround the Globalist State Power Centers



Regarding Britons: In defense and maintenance of Britain’s sovereignty

and constitution, in all earnest, I declare that

Universalis Ecclesiae (1850) is null and void.


See real time updates at DR's telegram:

This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!

1/3/21 - A response to MSM's Latest Attempt at social programming

🔊 (increase volume).

The Formidable Weapon of Doctrine


See broadcast with forward and source references here

January 5th, 2021


Sadly, our conversation with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was thwarted by bandwidth issues, despite software readings being sound.


We had a most meaningful 1-56m dialog concerning a broad spectrum of subjects relating to the Globalist State's vaccination regime.

We have now ordered with a new ISP and are awaiting installation, thus due to the frustrations of unpredictable bandwidth status, Determination Radio shall resume live broadcasting after January 15th, and shall be posting materials here until then...

Apologies and gratitude to Sherri; please see some of her great work here:


Support Sidney Powell's courageous pursuit of transparency and constitutional integrity.

Donate at:


Support Robert Kennedy Jnr's vaccine awareness organization: an amazing information resource. Learn the ACTUAL science relating to vaccination and donate at:


Professor Delores Cahill gives community consultation on travel logistics for self respecting travelers that do not wish to be assaulted by unlawful, pseudo-scientific State/corporate protocol.


Subjecting children to this daily form incarceration is tantamount to child abuse. Welcome to UsurperJoe's region of the 'omnipressive' Globalist State once known as America

This is why the State don't want youths to go near seniors: a generation that remembers the horrors of WWII.


Donate and support Ana Garner's courageous legal battle against State coercion and unconstitutional medical mandating.

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Awesome, courageous whistle blowing nurses:

Research and donate here


Research a wealth of information

plus latest news regarding vaccination and donate or support Del Bigtree's humanitarian push to restore informed consent.

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BIS technocratic enslavement weaponry. Virginia, USA

100s of parents in Vail, AZ attended a School Board meeting, protesting mask mandates for schools. They would not leave. The Board was overwhelmed and outnumbered. They quit. The parents elected new members and immediately struck down mask mandates for kids.

This channel is coming soon!

France - Manifestation

This channel is coming soon!

22/5/21 - All vaccinated people will die within 2 years.

Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine. In the shocking interview, the world's leading virologist stated bluntly: "There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated. We must be prepared to cremate the bodies." The scientific genius backed up the claims of other eminent virologists after studying the ingredients of the vaccine. "They will all die from antibody-dependent enhancement. That is all that can be said."


Lawful Self-sufficiency Section

This channel is coming soon!

Consultation and assistance to those that wish to act against unlawful corporate or State imposition. Don't be intimidated by unlawful assertions, 'guidelines' or the State's exploitation of orchestrated ignorance.


Don't allow lawyers to fleece you or discourage you with prohibitive financial depletion; folks are able to do so much autonomously. State and corporation fear our common law knowledge, thus independence.


Remember that if you pursue legal representation, within common law, it is a declaration of your incompetence as defendant or plaintiff which inherently undermines your common law status; drawing you into the State's statute 'law' paradigm, where the individual is at legal disadvantage: especially if they can't afford to retain a statute 'law' oriented lawyer or solicitor. Channel shall be updated with materials concerning all matters relating to legal self-sufficiency.

Lawful Self-sufficiency Resources


DR Animated Gifs

Press fighter gif to access other free animations


DR Animated Gifs

Press Usurper Joe gif to access other free animations

Senses RepriseFionn O Lochlainn (Featuring Eddi Reader)
00:00 / 00:55

Determination Radio


Quasi-Medical Mandates:

UNCED Depopulation With State Eugenical Control.

(duration 1m)

3rd Reich Resurfacing (duration 1m:38s)

The Faux-determinism of MSM (duration 21s)

Music artists:

Got something to say? Send your official releases our way.

management (at sign)




In a world of mendacious media, we the people now assume coetaneous authority of public narrative and discourse. Join us here in our pursuit of intellectual expansion, information dissemination, and societal cohesion through the sharing of community knowledge, transmission of experience. 


Although we shall endeavor to accomplish a high level of presentation, the priority with DR is transparency and independence:  as media in general seems to be embarking on a censorial assault upon their most interesting content contributors: intellectually speaking, MSM are 'cutting off their nose to spite their face by censoring as they are. We are researchers more so than programmers, thus we are experiencing a learning curve with the technical functionality of broadcasting. Thus some recordings in the archives are published with anomalous inconsistencies: these recordings document our surreal journey of construction and if there is some form of transmission inherent, than we shall host those pages rationalizing substance over aesthetic.

28/1/21: Right now the recordings are randomly being stopped prior to conclusion of show: getting that sorted, future shows should not have this issue.

to About

Truth is not left, right, nor center, it is all.


When seeing the 'convid' propaganda, the asinine face masks, I wonder if the British State would re-issue THIS sort of unifying notion or if they even have the slightest of concern...

to Services

These lockdowns are here to prevent this from transpiring whilst the Globalist State install their technocratic mechanism, whilst heisting Nation State sovereignty / solvency to what ever degree they are able to around the world: the coetaneous actualization of implosive, territorial warfare; see graph below to gain further understanding...


Globalist State plutocracy draining the wealth, sovereignty and authority from Nation States under a pretext of orchestrated sensationalized 'hazard'; touting 'global solutions' to 'global problems'; 10+ months into this brazen propagandism and some still remain shamelessly gullible to Globalist State fallacy.


State conditioned, coerced or enforced failure of middle class proprietorship, is a palpabal success to these gluttonous globalists: they thrive on the demise of freedom and the installation of invasive technocracy. They are benefitting from the conditioning of a deranged phobic public mind set: of which the societal reaction of fear and obedience to quasi-medical centralized narrative functions and actualizes as arbitrary intimidation, harassment, coercion, suppression, subjugation, extortion: portraying the State to be purveyors of domestic enmity.

We had governments and entertainment. Now we have got landlords and a totalitarian regime: soon to be technocratically 'omnipressive' and irreversible (sans-uprise).

(Thanks P.J.Watson:@PrisonPlanet re. graph)

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America's CentralizedAcademia now promotes trans-national corporate #propaganda & Globalism(vaccines, IPCCorthodoxy GMO). How is it that brazen fallacy is promulgated & indoctrinated with such authoritative prestige.



What are the roots of USA's academic centralization?






The founders of America's centralized academia were members of Skull'n'Bones (IHS Society of Yale University): as was Taft, the founding chairman of what has become the United Nations: as was the unlawful president Bush senior(Nazi affiliated vassal to Rome) that treasonously signed in UN's Agenda 21 in '92. Parents with teenage children should consider this and the many other surfacing impositions youngsters are enduring prior to getting an expensive student loan or allowing the Sate to collectivize their children into acceptance of technocratic bondage to state and corporation, rivalry, perverse or ideologically subversive curriculum. Regarding parental responsibility: until we have secured sovereignty in terms of medical mandating or State coercion to the same affect, it would seem that schools, colleges and universities are unsafe environments for our children: as they have now become psychologically abusive State indoctrination centers, that are assuming more and more jurisdiction and over our children, with increasing psychological intervention into the constructs of our children's psyche, and now with the threat of coerced or forced vaccination or invasive PCR 'testing': schools are becoming a dangerous form of conditioning confinement. We are seeing the gradual installation of  the United Nations 'communitarianism' ideology within education institutions around the world; training children into fallacy, phobia and a mind set conducive to the actualization of globalism. Hegelian conditioning is at the heart of our societal division, with it's roots being the ideological constructs of Ignatius Loyola


Fight Technocratic Slavery: #usecash:

(duration 53s - revolves in twitter)

Britain's Rule of Law: Habeas Corpus

(duration 33s - revolves in twitter)


British aristocracy revealed their elitist plans for the plebeian back in the 50's: now we see their vaccination nightmare actualize.

Seminars & Presentations

Britain's Rule of Law:

Magna Carta was reinstated by King Edward III in perpetuity (1331).


Sadistic implementors of Britain's immoral, unlawful 'lockdown'. Coercive ensnarers and cruel subjugators of humanity. Exploiters, thus desecrators of innocence. Defilers of oath and constitution. Constructors and enforcers of technocratic, 'omnipressive' vaccination regime:

look at him in his eyes!

Determination Audio Visual

Determination Audio Visual
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Brotherhood Of The Bell 1970

Brotherhood Of The Bell 1970

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Dangerous Conformity

Dangerous Conformity

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Pandemic Documentary – The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19

Pandemic Documentary – The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19

Play Video

Usurper Joe's 'Inauguration'

Facetious humor: not laughing, just posting.

Economic, Psychological and Biological Warfare: European Oligarchy's Vengeful Re-capturing of USA

Britain's Rule o Law:

Excessive Fines  & Cruel Punishments Are Null and Void.

Pseudo-Scientific Climate Change Propaganda:

Lubricating the United Nations' Agenda21/2030

to Work

1 million demonstrate against the plandemic in Berlin. Why? Because Germans remember what a State weaponized health system looks like.

United Nations' Agenda 21 Summary

Gathering Of Souls 3rd Oct. promotional video

The Herecidal Aspect to Contemporary Globalism

A fast blast regarding our coetaneous manifestation of globalism being of the same ilk and origin as pre-reformation imperialist Rome. Yes, that is THE ROMAN EMPIRE. A short prefacing transmission to an elaborate presentation:

Virologist Judy Mikovitz reveals essential information regarding the brazen mendacity of the Globalist State's plandemic.

Interesting documentary featuring big tech whistleblowers: sadly, it also includes erroneous, propagandist auto-suggestions, such as CFR's Russian election 'intervention' narrative, as well as IPCC orthodoxy ('climate change') subscription. Some of these techies seem to have globalist leanings, whilst also concerned regarding the ontological affects of social media in todays society. With that in mind, worth seeing...

Globalist State's ploy of PCR 'testing' revealed as quasi-medical quackery; being used to forge skewed data that 'justifies' State expansion, oppression, subjugation and suppression of economic functionality. 

Convid19 vaccine compound: Horror!

Rome's imperialism revealed. 




Fionn O Lochlainn

Musician, recording artist,

researcher and speaker

Helen Basinger

Researcher, professional hypnotist and publisher

Frances Leader

Researcher, British activist veteran, author and publisher

Discord: (Frances Leader Uncensored)


500 South Francois Street

San Francisco, CA  94158


management (at-sign)

Thanks for submitting!

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